Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Beginnings of Isaiah Study!

Bible Study has resumed! This summer, I was struggling with being a group leader because I will only be in Thailand for a month of this BSF year. I worried about dropping a group of women when I left and well, frankly, I was focused on myself. God showed me through His Word (as I was studying Acts) and through a conversation with my mother, that serving God is a privilege. It is a blessing to be able to have this opportunity to serve the Lord. I spoke with my teaching leader this summer and she said that they plan on having me be an unassigned group leader this year. This means that if a group leader is sick or unable to make it BSF evening to lead her group-that I will step in and cover/lead her group for her that specific evening. So, this sounded good to me as I took the focus off of myself and told God-use me the way you desire-I want to do your Will-what is pleasing for you and best for the kingdom of God.

A few weeks ago we had our first leaders meeting and I was thrilled. When I walked into the doors of our training/meeting, I felt like I was walking home. IT was so wonderful to see my sisters and catch up with one another. They are all so dear to my heart. By the end of leaders meeting, even though I had to wake up so early, I was energized by the Word of God, excitement for the study to come, and the fellowship with my sisters! As I started studying Isaiah in my God time, I had to pray for extra understanding…and some parts still felt confusing. But, through leaders meeting and a lecture later, I feel as though I have an even better understanding. In fact, I am so excited to study this Book of Prophecy. Already, I have been in awe of God’s personal love for “His Children” and how wrath, judgment, redemption, and restoration all work together through Jesus/God. Understanding God is sometimes confusing, but, He seems to be revealing what is necessary to me. And I am enjoying soaking in these poetic passages of the Scriptures.

Let’s talk about my leadership and God’s plan here in Bangkok. Its wild, because, after the first week of BSF, one of the leaders had to unexpectedly leave for a few weeks. As the unassigned group leader I am now leading her group for four weeks. The scary part of leading this group was that the women are all in their 50’s and 60’s. In the states, this is no big deal. But, in Asian culture, with its’ views on respecting one’s elders, it could be very offensive that someone their daughter’s age was leading their discussion group. I have had to be very sensitive. Please pray with me for open discussion and trust and no offensiveness is taken as I am leading this group this month. We can thank God for going before my nerves-as I am focusing on Him and not myself ;-) ---For I have had wonderful connecting conversations with the ladies in the group outside of the BSF evening and it is very exciting! I pray that this openness continues and that my age does not hinder this group in anyway.

As I think about the LORD, I am once again amazed and humbled, that I am so inadequate all the time, yet He stretches me and grows me. I pray that my focus remains on Him always-and does not start looking at my inadequate self. For with God all things are possible. I hope this is a note of encouragement to you too! Are you serving somewhere where you are feeling you are not the right person for the service? I ask you to take a moment and check yourself—ask, “Am I being self focused or God focused?” and then re-think the previous question, asking for God to reveal His purpose and plan to use you as you open yourself in service for Him!

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