Saturday, August 14, 2010

Praise the LORD!!

WHOO WHOO!!!! Today I found out two things:
First...Katie, and intern who has been support raising, is only $1,000.00 away from getting here!! So, please pray with me that God provides that quickly. She is planning on being here in September. This is such wonderful news because I will be able to hand off my classes nicely and they will not be closing!!! WHOO WHOO!!! I need to dance..."Doon Den!!" (Excited!)

Second...Yesterday I woke up sick to my stomach (I am nervous of all the changes that are going to be happening this month...and I think that that is what is causing it), but then I found out we are now leaving tomorrow morning instead of this morning. So, it gave me more time to spend quality time with the Lord--He say that I can lay all my anxieties, worries, and fears at His feet. Thank You for always taking care of me Jesus! So after time with Him, I got a phone call from a co-worker asking me if I had my re-entry Visa...I didn't realize I needed one. So, this morning I was able to take care of that too!

Today, I am encouraged that although I cannot see the future, I can Trust God's eyes. He already has a plan and it is perfect. His timing is perfect too. Just like with Katie coming (pray for that $1,000.00 ;-) ) and the change in plans for when we were leaving to Cambodia. Do you see it? Do you see how amazingly wonderful our God is? We do not need to worry and fret...we just need to tell Him are concerns and trust HE IS taking care of everything in His perfect Way!!

Ok, had to be my detailed way...I am off to prepare my room for P'Kieow...because she will be my new roommate when I return ;-) WHOO WHOO (EMBRACING THE CHANGE!) LOL