Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Physical Pain

I have so much to tell you! Details are to come for the following topics:An English Camp for 3rd to 6Th graders, The current political strife in Bangkok, The personal care given to individuals, and the amazing way the Body of Christ has come together within Bangkok.

Today, I need your immediate prayers personally. I have been sick with a head cold here for about a week. It worsened on Saturday. Every morning seems to get better and then by the afternoon it gets way worse. I feel like I am a complainer but, now I am actually getting worried. I have never felt this kind of sickness. I have the normal congestion and coughing. As the day goes by I get this horrible pain-like the pain of an ear infection in both ears and I cannot hear accurately out of my left ear. It feels as though my ear needs to pop-like my ear has a pillow next to it...and then throbbing pain from the inside. Tonight-I bent over to blow dry my hair and a horrible pain struck through the entire left side of my brain. It is a headache that is now throbbing. When I cough and as I move the pain worsens. I am also having trouble seeing clearly as I am posting this.

I hate being sick, admitting that I am not OK and even worse I hate complaining to you about it. Pray that I go to the doctor if necessary and that I am not stubborn about it if I do need to go (I hate spending money at a doctors office). And pray that if I do not need to go that God gives me a peace about that too! Anyway, I feel this is a spiritual attack because in just a few short days we have some neat things for Easter and in less than a week we are going up to Northern Thailand to the Karen Hill tribes to do two youth conferences. These conferences will occur from April 7Th through the 16Th. I do not think the Devil is excited about these two very powerful witnessing opportunities-as our team is being used by God. Well all I have to say is " are going down!"

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Jesus Airlines

If you receive my prayer letters, one of the things you are praying for, is that God will give me creative ideas to bring Him into each lesson. In my advanced class (until this past Monday) I have been able to do this by using a Scriptural passage (given from God; having them analyze and role play. My students are usually finding grammatical things, the example of a lesson that we are learning, and learning new vocabulary through an actual Scriptural Passage.

This week was tough because we started a new book. The new book does not have any grammar in it. In the first unit we are discussing airport conversations. I told God, "Oh you have to be super creative this week. How are we going to bring you into this tactfully when there is no grammar to focus on nor were there any Airplanes when the Bible was written". It's funny because after I told God this, I arrived at the listening section of my preparations. This specific part had me as the teacher be the announcer's voice as if in an airport for five different scenarios. The students are to depict the airline, departure time, flight number, and gate number for each scenario. This is when God hit me with, "Make the gospel an illustration as you would for a Children's Lesson" (CL training is coming in handy now!). So I was excited. I wrote out the example and in class, when we got to the listening section, I told them there were six listening examples to listen to.

I had to hold a bold voice with each of my examples; a voice that sounded as it was coming from the intercom of the airport (Helps listening skills when you paint a picture of reality). When I got the the sixth example. The one that I made up. Thoughts of, "Oh No! Maybe I shouldn't do this. This is too direct. It will be too offensive,etc" came into my mind. These thoughts were definitely not from God.

Recently, I have been studying about how Satan is the Prince of this World. His whole goal in life is to keep people from knowing and following after God. Once one becomes a Christian, His whole goal changes to keeping you out of fellowship with God. Satan is a spirit being but he is not all powerful. Satan is not omnipresent as he is limited to one place at one time. Therefore, the reality is that there are far bigger people in this world that Satan wants to personally attack rather than personally attacking me. However, his demons are at work around us all. With the thoughts that I had prior to sharing this gospel illustration, I know there was a demon trying to keep me from sharing the gospel this past Monday. My thoughts in my head were spinning (all in a matter of seconds)-making me feel foolish and unsure about what I was about to do. At this moment, I choose to continue with sharing this bold, very blunt, gospel illustration (I encourage you to read it out loud with the same announcer voice that I put on):

"Jesus Airlines announces that flight 777 to Heaven is departing immediately. It is loading now. The ticket is free if you believe that Jesus is God. He came from Heaven and paid the price for your sins 2010 years ago. He did this on the cross. Before His death on the cross you and I were doomed to an eternal life in Hell--burning in a lake of fire. Jesus conquered death as He rose from the dead three days after His death. If you believe Jesus is the One True God-tell Him and He will give you this fee ticket to eternal life in Heaven with Him. We can catch this flight,777, at gate 1, with Jesus Airlines. Once again, this is a one-way flight to Heaven; gate 1. A flight where Jesus will take us to our eternal Home of perfection. It's loading ASAP and departing within the next 10 minutes. Are you ready? Who's with me?"

God spoke through me with a clear, bold, urgent sounding voice. As I read this, my body became covered with goosebumps. IT is real. IT is urgent and This is IMPORTANT information for people to know.

I do not want Satan or his demons to convince me to not share the truth of God's ultimate love with those around me. God is all powerful and He has already conquered the World. He was already conquered the Prince of this World (Satan). Satan and his demons are already destined to an eternity in the lake of is only a matter of time. We get to choose our destiny. Those who choose not to follow Jesus (the Prince of Peace), choose to follow Satan (the Prince of this World). These people's destiny will also end in an eternity in a lake of fire. Every person gets to choose His or Her destiny. God does not send anyone to Hell. It's each individual's choice. Everyone is either under the Prince of Peace or the Prince of this World. If my class did not know this urgent reality before this past Monday...they do now.
Will you pray with me now that my students will NOW choose to follow Jesus ASAP?

I also want to encourage you when sharing the gospel with a seemingly audience--know that this truth is convicting because ALL need a Savior and we cannot get to heaven on our own righteousness. Satan does not want them to know the wonderful gift they can have in Jesus. Satan wants to bring as many people with him to the lake of fire. BUT STAND IN THE CONFIDENCE OF JESUS AND PROCLAIM THIS MESSAGE WITH A BOLD URGENT TONE--FOR GOD WANTS TO USE YOU. AND HE WANTS ALL TO COME TO FOLLOW HIM. ARE YOU LETTING YOURSELF BE USED BY GOD IN ALL CIRCUMSTANCES?

A Celebration of Three Years

New Community Church was planted 3 years ago in Bangna Ramkanheang Song. On Sunday, we as a church were able to celebrate it's 3 year anniversary! This was a very special day as together we thanked God for the work He is doing through and/within the Church. Special additions were made to this Sunday's Service: Some young girls from ages 8-10 years of age did a dance to "Hallelujah"; A power point that revealed the love of God evident in the lives of all ages at the church; Us women sang two songs "Great is Thy Faithfulness" as well as a song in Thai (I had a cheat sheet)in front of the congregation; Three people gave their testimonies; And there was a feast with many yummy desserts afterwards. Later that evening a group of us went to the park. We walked and played Volleyball, badminton and Basketball (yes...even-very nonathletic me..but its OK because I have an advantage in my height!!). It was a special day of celebration as we see God's goodness. God has been and is continuing to be revealed to the Community of Bangna Ramkanheang Song. It is also exciting to be praying for God's Will/His timing in the vision of the many other church plants being planted around Thailand. My heart Jumps for Joy at the lives being touched by Christ and the Joy of the Celebration of New Community's Three Year Anniversary.