Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Steadfast Faith In The Midst of Turmoil

As you know, Thailand has been going through a painful political strife. Above is a picture that the news took of one of the many incidents that happened today. I want to give you an idea-even though it is small-of what is going on. You see, People are angry. With the bombs and shootings, people are living in fear, and we do not know what will happen next. Tonight there is a curfew at 8:00pm until 6:00am. Over 150 people were killed today. As we were leaving the office, everyone was out trying to get food. We do not know if there will be food tomorrow. People may not open up their shops. Stores are closing for fear of getting their stores broken into and having everything stolen because people are desperate for food. Many banks are closed either because of bombs and being on fire or for future safety. People that I know are in these dangerous areas. One lady and her family were inside a bank that was on fire. I have not heard if they are okay or not yet.

Emotionally people are disheartened. Many are walking around in a gloom; a sadness is over the land of smiles. Others are so sad that they are reacting with anger and aggression (kind of like a "road rage" reaction with low tolerance for anything). And it feels completely dark here. It seems like a nightmare that we need to be awoken from. But, it is reality.

So, now that I have updated you on today's happenings (physically, emotionally, and spiritually)-the nightmare surrounding us, I want to share with you what God has revealed to me today as I spent time with Him in His Word.

He has shown me today a lot about faith. Faith should be based on "Who God is" and not "What he does". Thailand is in an awful situation. God seems so silent. God seems so distant. People question "Why are you not stopping this God?" These are tough questions in the reality around us--the pure darkness. People want the visible miracle now...
I have some encouraging insights. To often we base out faith on what He does…expecting Him to work in the ways that would be—“how we feel would be best”. But God is different. He is never changing-He is and always will be the same each and every moment. He never stops caring for us, loving us, and desiring the best for us. Everything about Him stays the same no matter the circumstance or situations around us. Today, I was reading (Acts 27-28:10) and I realized that sometimes God delivers us from the scary situation but sometimes God delivers us through it. Today He is with us…but we may have to go through the pain, the suffering, the torture, until we reach that destination of deliverance (tomorrow, next week, next month, next year, or when we meet Him face to face in heaven). We do not need to live in fear...

For I also was reminded of the invisible workings of God amidst a moment of fear. This was in 2 Kings 6:8-20 where Elisha’s servant was full of fear because a huge army of chariots and horses were surrounding them-he was fearful of the army of men. Elisha asked God to open his eyes, God did…and this servant was able to see an army of chariots and horses of fire—probably making up 10s of thousands of thousands of thousands (see Psalms 68:17)-all surrounding them—filling them with protection—God's unseen army. Sometimes we do not see what God is doing or how He is working. But, we can rest in the fact that He is working! This applies to Thailand now. I know now that our ministry here may be changing in the sense that we are coming up along side people who are now covered with sadness, anger, and worry (more so than before). We will need to be Christ’s hands and feet in a different way. Sometimes we do not see what God is doing or how He is working. But, we can rest in the fact that He is working! I pray that we show the people who cross our paths who Christ is by our steadfast faith in the fact that He is unchanging; with a faith in who He is and not just by the big miracles he performs (those miracles do come when you least expect it--and I am praying for one! ;)).

Today, I have been given a sense of peace, while taking precautions to be safe, I can rest in the fact that God can "calm the storms-with a single word" if He desires. He is above this turmoil. And if He doesn't--His eyes are better than mine--and I will faithfully look to Him each step of the way. For, I have faith in WHO MY GOD IS!

Thank you all for keeping Thailand and our ministry in your prayers. One person said that they were "specifically praying that we as a team are being a light in such a dark place." I love this specific prayer because that is where God is going to use us now. People are not being able to hold up their facade of a happy/smiley, easy go lucky look with all the tension and turmoil around us. It is forcing people to expressing their inside thoughts and it will help us get to the heart with those around us...WE all NEED God. The only person that can bring a full peace and joy to your heart amidst the darkness everywhere we step. So amongst the darkness, will you all pray with me that my teammates and I can be this light-Jesus’ light. Pray that others want this light too!
We can remain confident that God is watching over us...He is never changing. In this steadfast faith I stand. Reminding me of my life verse: "I have set the LORD always before me. Because He is at my right hand, I will not be shaken."-Psalm 16:8.

We can rest assured of Who God is as we sing:
"Though Troubles Assail Us"
"Through troubles assail us and dangers affright,
through friends should all fail us and foes all unite,
yet one thing secures us, what ever betide
the promise assures us, The Lord will provide

The birds without garner or storehouse, are fed;
from them let us learn to trust God for our bread,
His saints what is fitting shall ne'er be denied
so long as 'tis written, The Lord will provide

When Satan assails us to stop us our path
and courage all fails us, we triumph by faith.
He cannot take from us, though oft he has tried,
this heart cheering promise, The Lord will provide

No strength of our own and no goodness we claim;
yet, since we have known of the Savior's great name,
in this our strong tower for safety we hide:
the Lord is our power, The Lord will provide."

Friday, May 14, 2010

Ram 1 University Recruitment! =)

Many of you have heard about our Campus Ministry. During the next couple weeks, it is crucial we are on Campus promoting our UCF club. It is at this time that the NEW University Students are registering for their classes. So some of the Thai staff went to a training to be able to help the students register. Yesterday, we went on Campus and were their promoting our club as well as helping them register.

I have that recruiter/sales person personality. I am not shy to talk to new people and if I believe in something, I will promote it. So, we are walking on campus and I start saying "Swadeekha" (hello) to the people passing by. Well, apparently that is not Thai. People look and smile at one another, but you do not say hello to each other. I choose not to care because Sarah and I were both there more as the bait. You see, everyone is obsessed with foreigners in Thailand. And so, we were to be the bait for them to want to come to the club (Whatever gets them to come and hear God's Word, right? ;-) ) I went up to people and shared with them about our club. In my broken Thai, I shared with them that we get together and play games, eat delicious food, study the Bible, play music (everyone has an ear for music so we have some awesome jam out sessions =) ), play sports, become really close friends, and go on some service projects throughout the year. Then One of my Thai friends would continue in Thai saying...well I do not know =).

I have to laugh now, because my open way of saying hello, walking up to people, and inviting other people promoting their clubs to our club (apparently you can only be apart of one club...I still do not understand this one)embarrassed my shy Thai teammates. But, it made all the other Thais smile and chuckle.

Yesterday was a hot and humid one. I believe that I had three orange juices and three water bottles in a matter of just three hours. And looking back I can praise the Lord for the energy He provided our team with as we were actively on our feet. Now, together we have to pray for people to walk into the doors of our club, learn who He truly is and accept Him as their own personal Lord and Savior.

"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose."-Romans 8:28